Monday, May 19, 2008

Questions Of Hell

I'm still trying to figure out this world. is it really worth fighting for? so many misery. so many people living like hell.

whats up with hell anyway? after all the troubles and problems we have in this world. then we go to hell?? am i just being stupid right now cos im asking all these questions?

the reasons im asking is becos i dont want to go to hell. maybe its even better if i wasnt born at all. i dont need no heaven just like i dont need no hell. I'm sorry God. why r U putting all these questions into my head.

i just couldnt figured out about the rules that non-muslims go to hell. why are moslems should be better than any other religious people? if there's a rapist, liar, killer, numb hearted bastard who is by coincident a moslem, does that make him better than a good hearted soul atheist?

i know that most things that is being teached in Islam is mentioned nothing but for a good cause. but still i cant pull my mind together about that one particular rule.

there's only one thing i could do. which is praying for them. and praying so much that God is the greatest caring of all..and all humans will be in heaven..

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