Monday, May 19, 2008

Bodoh dan Tolol

ya, i have a job at the present time. but probably they'd fire me someday.

a dream job? maybe. but i dont think being a news reporter (hard news) is really what im desiring. but i do love making feature stuffs. or even better, producing an absolute outstanding tv program.

yes thats it. i want to be a producer or maybe film director? hahaha i have too many dreams i guess. so what's up with me writing in fucking english? hehe kebanyakan liat bule (di film bokep maksudnya huahaha).

damn mother fucker. but maybe i just wanna create something, well actually a lot of things that is cool and unique. a writer? maybe. well a published writer is of course my ultimate goal.

damn, i think i wanna live in amsterdam. so i can smoke pot freely hahaha. but maybe i also wanna live in mecca, so i can pray everyminute at kabah (cieh elah, ga mgkin bgt gw, secawraaa!!! hahaha).

sometimes i hate my life, but sometimes i wanna live a thousand more years.

about amsterdam, i think geert wilders is a stupid fuck up. freedom of expression should be done with dignity. a greater understanding of freedom means a better chance for peace in the world. so if ur abusing freedom as a way to attack others, i think ur just stupid and totally screwed.

i dont know why i write these blogs. i hope its not gay or anything hahaha. but that doesnt mean i have problems with gay people. as long as they dont try to fuck me huahahaha. oh yeah baby. huekk. but please gay people, dont try to grab my ass.

i should try to do a stand up in english and air it. damn, fucking aljazeera, please accept me as your reporter (someday).

i think socialism/communism is one of the greatest idea that human has ever produced. but what makes me confuse is why does socialism or the so called left thought cant go side by side with Islam? i think Islam is socialism! probably if we dont see Islam as religion then we can see that everything in Islam is socialism.

so i think we should really pay a more closer attention to one of our great founding father = TAN MALAKA.

Most Indonesians barely even know him. He is a communist but also a well Islamic educated student. Maybe its becos of his too radical ideas (according to most indonesian government, including soekarno's and soeharto's), his name isnt being mentioned a lot as Indonesia's National Hero.

He said that Islam and socialism is no different. so its actually outrageus if socialist and moslems should be two opposite sides.

Tan Malaka is a lonely fighter. But care nothing except for the sake of the nation. he managed an idea of an Indonesian Republic way before Soekarno or Hatta did.

He is part of PKI once, but never actually agreed with their strategies of independence. Tan Malaka is way ahead of most people in his time. He is once trusted as the Commintern for the Asia Region.

Commintern is short from Communist International. An International communist agent. Damn! Isnt that cool?

He was once running for parliament in Netherland for a socialist party. He didnt win the vote, but thats not what he's up to. Every time a person runs for parliament they get a chance to give their speech. and Tan Malaka did just that. He speaks out about Indonesia in front of the Dutch at their home soil. The response that he got for his speech is even beyond expectations. They applaud him for his brilliant thoughts and ofcourse critics for the government (dutch occupying gov).

But becos of his extreme thoughts, makes him had to go to different places to avoid the capture effort from the gov. He gets to go to Moscow, and various numbers of european country, Beijing, Philippines, Malaysia, and then back to the beloved Indonesia.

When he got back to Indonesia, Tan Malaka done so much for the sake of the nation. but then, becos of political differences he was killed by the Indonesian government itself not long after the independence. even after the soekarno era, the soeharto regime never even try to mention the outstanding contribution of Tan Malaka as one of the founding father of RI.

Even til this moment, there is still so little knowledge about tan Malaka for most Indonesians. Is it becos he was a socialist/communist? but he is also a Moslem. A Minangkabau originated Moslem.

Why is it the very unpleasant existing and exhibition of arrogant force by some Islamic Organisation such as FPI is more acceptable than just a recognition of a history that this Republic was actually built by leftiest? Soekarno, Hatta, Sutan Syahrir, they're all leftiest.

So what the fuck is going on? Is this a true reformation? the so called small Revolution? Is just by mentioning the good sides of any left organisation such as PKI is still a crime?

If ur grandparents PKI does that made them lower than dogs?

And what do u think about the Army or Police? Eventhough they killed like thousands of people in Aceh or Papua. Or even beat someone up in the streets just becos they're the force. How come they can still be respected?

Its not about who's right or wrong. its about justice. everyone should be treated equal. everyone should have their reward for their achievement. and also has to get the same punishment for their sins.

Im a socialist but im also in Love with Islam. Cant i be just both? Tan Malaka surely is. And its an original idea from one great Indonesian.

Why do we have to swallow everything that is being thrown at us from outside? Why cant we have our own idea? Our own Identity.

I think even the western music should be combined with Indonesian traditionals. If Japan can have J-pop or J-rock, why cant we have I-pop or I-rock. If Arabs can take marawis into our soil, why cant we have dangdut into their soil. why dont we make arab people play dangdut in their television?

We are Indonesia. We are so diverse. but still we're united.

Although i think globalisation is a peace of shit, im not afraid of those fucking imperialist.

Bring it on, u fucking assholes.

Peace for all...Putra Pratama, Indonesia!

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