Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Why ganja should be legalised

Yes, so it was BNN who said they're thinking about legalizing cannabis.
Finally, a reasonable thought.

How come people dont get it?

what is the different between getting high or getting drunk?
as far as i see it, alcohol and also cigarettes are by far deadlier than cannabis.

i mean, its true we're surely stoned if we smoke pot.
well thats why we smoke it right? duh!
but, when we're high, we're happy.
whats wrong with being happy?

so lets try to analise a lil bout ganja..

first of all, this so called drugs (as people know it, which is wrong!) seen as a dangerous narcotics cos it makes u high.
but is getting high is wrong?
u see, the reason for something or anything to be called wrong or sinful is the effect.
and pot doesnt have any dangerous effect, to our body - or to our soul and mind.

so the big question is, why the hell indonesian gov. classifies ganja on first rank most dangerous drugs?? dont u think thats silly?

u dont get violent from smoking ganja. ull get peaceful.
and it doesnt get u cancer like if ur smoking tobacco. its not poisonous like alcohol.
but the two destructive items are legal, and yet ganja is a first class narcotic.

there has been so many research on cannabis.
most of them are proven facts about the use of cannabis for medical treatment.

and you can search the internet to find out millions of facts that marijuana is not dangerous, and most of all it shouldn't be illegal !!!

its better to get high than to be judgmental !

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